Anti-Racism & Yoga: Embodying the Practice

A Conversation with Jamilah Pitts

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November 17, 7:30-8:30p ET

$40/$30 on or before November 11

Join live on Zoom. Replay available through November 24.

What are the connections between anti-racism work and a yoga practice? In this talk, author & speaker Jamilah Pitts will discuss the overlaps between yoga philosophy, anti-racism practice, and social justice work. She will also provide guidance and insights for how one can take mindful action and incorporate these critical and important lessons in their everyday live, both on the mat as teachers and students, and off the mat as active members of their communities.

After the presentation, there will be time allotted for Q&A. 

If you want to attend and funds are an issue, contact Justin at for payment options. 

About Jamilah Pitts

Jamilah Pitts is an educator, consultant, yoga teacher, curriculum designer, and writer who resides in Ohio. Jamilah's work centers the liberation, healing and holistic development of youth, particularly children of color through an emphasis on adult and educator development, coaching and training. Jamilah partners with schools, leaders, organizations, and educators providing training and leadership on: anti-racist, culturally responsive, equitable and restorative practices and frameworks, anti-bias curriculum development, and wellness/yoga practices as a vehicle for student and educator self- preservation.Jamilah has served as a teacher, coach, dean of instruction, dean of students, and as an Assistant Principal. She has also worked for schools in Massachusetts, New York City, The Dominican Republic, China and in India. Jamilah sees education as her life’s work and calling and truly believes that education should be an avenue through which empathy, healing and justice are promoted.

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